June 26, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Motorcycle enthusiasts often cite the thrill of speed and the love for the open road as the driving force behind their passion. But this exciting hobby comes at a high risk of permanent hearing damage for individuals who ride a lot. A comprehensive study conducted by a notable German automobile association in collaboration with a […]
June 19, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
You’re a rather busy individual, so it’s understandable that you totally forgot about the hearing test you have scheduled. Luckily, you just got that reminder text from the clinic, and you still have time to prepare. But what kind of preparation should you do? The effectiveness of your appointment will be improved with just a […]
June 11, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Relaxation, sunshine, and social events are what summer is all about. But enjoying these summer events can be a real challenge for people who have trouble hearing. Don’t worry though, even with hearing loss, you can still enjoy summer fun. Get the most out of summer with these essential tips Here are seven essential tips […]
June 4, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Were you aware that your chance of developing age-related hearing loss can be increased if you have high blood pressure? From around 40 years old and up, you may begin to detect that your hearing is starting to go. Your symptoms could develop slowly and be mostly invisible, but this type of hearing loss is […]
May 28, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Your whole life can be impacted by age-related hearing loss. Besides your ability to hear, your professional life, your social life, and even your cognitive clarity can also be affected. Over time, hearing loss can intensely impact how your brain works in ways that immediately impact your mood, your memory, and more. Sometimes, the relationship […]
May 22, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Tinnitus is an incredibly common condition of the ear. Some estimates indicate that 10 percent of people experience tinnitus at one time or another, making it one of the most common health conditions in the world. The condition manifests as a sound in the ear that isn’t really there, usually, it’s a buzzing or ringing, […]
May 14, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Putting off on essential appointments, like your hearing aid fitting, is all too easy amidst the hustle and bustle of daily events. You may even find yourself hesitating to get hearing aids altogether. But hearing loss affects more than only your ears and delaying treatment can have detrimental effects on your whole life. The connection […]
May 7, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, our ears frequently bear the brunt of neglect and accidental harm. From the allure of ear candling to the seemingly harmless act of utilizing cotton swabs, our hearing health can suffer from these prevalent yet dangerous practices. What follows are a few practices you can use to […]
April 29, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
You most likely don’t give much thought to earwax accumulation unless you’re in the process of clearing it out. Still, it’s crucial to have an understanding of its purpose and how it forms. So why does earwax accumulate? Earwax, also technically called cerumen, is made up of a combination of sweat, skin particles, hair, debris, […]
April 23, 2024 | Lexington Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Many facets of your daily life can be affected by Hearing Loss. Your hobbies, your professional life, and even your love life can be impacted by hearing loss, for example. For couples who are struggling with hearing loss, communication can become strained. This can cause increased stress, more arguments, and even the development of animosity. […]